What is Coralclip?

CORALCLIP™ is a small stainless steel spring clip and integrated masonry nail that is used to out-plant coral fragments, larval seeding units or micro-fragment plugs. Coralclip enables simple, rapid out-planting at optimum locations for growth including surge-prone sites or vertical substrates.

How Coralclip Works

By securely retaining the coral it can self-attach within a couple of months. Within a year the Coralclip is covered by the coral and no longer visible. Within a couple of years, the fragment develops the colony shape of a natal colony.


Up to 100 corals can be outplanted per diver in a single dive

Low Cost

Clips are low cost. Rapid planting reduces time costs. Only a hammer and small brush are needed


If a fragment is unsuccessful the same CORALCLIP can be used for another


Minimal preparation time with no plastic, chemicals or cement. Minimal training required

Instant Fix

No setting time means corals can be out-planted at sites where adhesives are not viable